Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pre-op appointment

Jason had a pre-op appointment with the surgeon today. This will be the last meeting before the surgery. The nurse went through his file to make sure all the paperwork is in order, checked his weight and blood pressure and we spoke to Dr. Kuwada briefly.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Blood lab & Dietician appointment

Today, Jason had his final blood work drawn before the surgery. He managed to ask the nurse a few questions about whether or not to continue his blood pressure medication and was told that he should stop taking the Vasotec 3 days before the surgery and not to take any Aleve (or painkillers) 10 days prior to the surgery.

Later that afternoon we all went with him to the briefing with the Nutritionist/Dietician.
He was reminded again of what to eat/drink before and after the surgery and what foods to avoid that would cause dumping syndrome.
He will be on a liquid diet 2 weeks prior to the surgery. This is to help shrink the liver which would make the surgery less complicated, as the liver is sitting on top of the stomach pouch.

Briefly, he should be taking atleast 25 grams of protein with each protein shake, 4 times a day. Each scoop of protein powder should not contain more than 5 grams of carbs, and less than 4 grams of fat. He will also need to take daily multivitamins (500mg 3 times a day) and 1000i.u of Vitamin D3.

After the surgery, he can only drink water on the first day. And clear liquids for the first week.
He can start a puree diet after the first month (after Jan 15, 2009). (Yogurt, grits and mash potatoes might work)
Each meal will be portioned into 1/4 cup per serving.

On the second month (February 2009), he can start a soft food diet. (scrambled eggs, canned tuna, mashed vegetables, cream soups)
Each meal can be increased to 1/2 cup per serving.

He should be able to try normal food on the 3rd month (March 2009), not more than 3/4 cup per serving.

What NOT to do:
Use a straw

What foods to avoid:
spicy food

What foods are prohibited forever:
carbonated drinks
chewing gum